Philippines to Seek Second Arbitration against China over South China Sea Dispute

AM Editorial Team

The Philippines, along with other Southeast Asian countries, has been in a territorial dispute with China over the South China Sea. The Philippines has already won a maritime territorial dispute against China in 2016, but China has rejected the ruling. Recently, tension between the two countries has increased due to aggressive maneuvers in the disputed waters.

To address the issue, the Hawaii-based foreign policy think tank Pacific Forum suggests that the Philippines should seek a second arbitration opposing China’s claims in the South China Sea. The Philippines can demand damages from Beijing and make a strong statement that China is violating UNCLOS (United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea).

According to Carl Baker, the executive director of Pacific Forum, the Philippines can also rally its fellow claimant Vietnam to file a UNCLOS violation case against China. This will make it more difficult for China to ignore the ruling and will strengthen the case against China.

Baker also suggests that the Philippines should urge its neighbors in Southeast Asia to introduce a new appeal to the UNCLOS arbitral panel. This collective effort will make a stronger case against China and will show the world that China is not following the rules.

China is claiming almost the entirety of the South China Sea, which is a conduit for more than $3 trillion in annual ship commerce. Its territorial claims overlap with those of the Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia, and Brunei. A portion of the South China Sea within the Philippine exclusive economic zone has been renamed the West Philippine Sea.

Seeking a second arbitration and rallying fellow claimants to file a UNCLOS violation case against China are some of the actions that the Philippines can take to address the territorial dispute with China. A collective effort among Southeast Asian countries will strengthen the case against China and will show the world that China is not following the rules.