Analysis and Opinions

Trump Throws Out FCPA; Open Season for White Collar Corruption

AM Editorial Team

In a significant shift in U.S. anti-corruption policy, President Donald Trump issued an executive order directing the Department of Justice ...

Evolving Standards of Disclosure for Conflicts of Interest in Arbitrations

AM Editorial Team

As arbitration has become more and more popular for dispute resolution, it should not come as a surprise that there ...

Is Arbitration Biased Against Emerging Markets? Exploring the Impartiality of International Dispute Resolution

AM Editorial Team

Arbitration, as a form of dispute resolution outside the traditional court system, is often chosen for its efficiency, expertise, and ...

Arbitrators Failing to Disclose Relationships: Ethical Dilemmas in AAA-ICDR Disputes

AM Editorial Team

Arbitration as a method of dispute resolution is often chosen for its promise of neutrality, expediency, and confidentiality. However, recent ...

Backlash in Investment Arbitration: Examining Recent Developments and Implications

AM Editorial Team

The backlash against investment arbitration is a phenomenon where States express their dissatisfaction and disillusionment with the investor-State dispute settlement (ISDS) system. ...

Marc Goldstein and the Problem of the ‘Sua Sponte’ Arbitrator

AM Editorial Team

Every once in a while, an arbitration takes on a life of its own, where the panelists of a tribunal ...

Is Forced Arbitration Biased against Minorities and Women?

AM Editorial Team

The composition of arbitrators in the United States reveals a notable lack of diversity, with a significant majority being Caucasian ...

International Commercial Arbitration vs. U.S. Commercial Litigation: An Analysis of Dispute Resolution Approaches

AM Editorial Team

International Commercial Arbitration and U.S. Commercial Litigation represent two distinct approaches to resolving disputes arising from commercial transactions that cross national ...

The Evolving Standards for Evident Partiality in Arbitration

AM Editorial Team

When considering the fairness and integrity of arbitration proceedings, the concept of evident partiality comes to the forefront. In scenarios where one of the decision-makers—a ...

Ethical Considerations in Arbitration

AM Editorial Team

Arbitration stands as a widely used method for resolving disputes outside the courtroom, particularly in commercial and consumer settings. It ...

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